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A collection of four.

My first was written then three spiritual photograhic books, including pictures of The Lord,Mother Mary,The Holy Spirit, Michael, a Buddha or two, Face of God? 

There are cloud pictures, pictures on a rug, in water,on the ground, on walls.

None of these were made by my hand or altered. They are God's creation. They are miracles. I still have more and i wish i could have added them as some of the early pictures i now wonder about, but there they are. The three photography books are JESUS IS HERE!, MOTHER MARY IS HERE! And JESUS SAYS HI!

The written book expresses my grief at losing my parents one day apart and the terrible troubles we had from attacks from negative energies, teachings i went through,from Buddhist, Spiritualism, Past- life regression,Kabbalah, Reiki, Spiritual healing,Dowsing,Native-American teachings,ETC. After their passing i returned to Christ. I began experiencing my parents souls in a very real and absolute manner. I had visions, communications and conversations and direction from Jesus. Visions and experiences with Mother Mary, including her praying for me one night seen at the foot of my bed and many nights being held in her loving and nurturing arms.

The picture on the first book cover is of Jesus, Mother Mary and i believe a Saint. I witnessed it at a place i had come for years to speak with HIM before ever witnessing that.

I met someone in the physical i believe was HIM! On the one year anniversary after this meeting in the physical a picture of that meeting occurred on the rug in our kitchen. HIS physical presence looked much like the face on the brick wall from JESUS IS HERE! HIS left eye still bears our wounds. (the previous sightings were clairvoyantly)

Amen and enjoy this stuff, it's from HIMSELF.


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Lonny Dargavel

Spiritual Writing

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